Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Tuesday , 3-05-2013

After office hour , am go back via train station of cakung , and there any bargainer from sell the hand phone, t-shirt, meal, fruit, etc . its all of the product is so cheap than supermarket or department store with quality no much different , and i look around along the way and i find what i need , whether it ??? Taraaaa..... that is a screen protector from my lapie (lapie is name my laptop) , is so cheap there , lets guess ? 50k ? 40k ? 30k ? no in there just IDR 25thousand , yeeeii.
before i go to my campus about at 18.00 , i decide to eat "utut" , you know "utut" , "tutut" like a snail in field , its so many have content protein good for body keep spirit :) , its the first i eat "tutut" , the taste so chewy and we must suck up the shell snail for release the meat , its so funny :D
after that i go to the campus and the pray first and go to the class for learning :)

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