Senin, 22 April 2013

the first i stricken work shift in my office

am feel so sad because i stricken work shift now in my office , because i cant going to campus if i has second shift , i must start to office from my home at 11.00 am until 09.00 pm and disable for me to go to campus because for to campus from my office spend time about 1 hour , its mean i am until campus at 10.00 pm , its time over for class .
i hope i can back my schedule work to regular again , its .from 08.00 am to 16.45 so that i can go to campus again , Amin :)

Rabu, 10 April 2013

learning professional ethics

Today, I was learning professional ethic  i have many experiences for life in office , school ,and in my home :)

Selasa, 09 April 2013

Broken my motorcycle spidometer

Today , usually i go to my office at 7.15 am from my home i often go via kemang pratama - rawa panjang - kalimalang - buaran - pulo gadung - pegangsaan - kelapa gading - and finally at my office in sunter north of jakarta.
when am in kalimalang its so traffic everywhere , i see the bikers use forbidden way , because i want late at my office , i follow their after in last way the police man stand and disallow to by way of , bacause i panic and i go to back way so hard and my motor cycle can't turn on again and perforce i must propel my motor cycle to workshop and i am late again to my office and my spidometer still can't turn on again , i must take to authorized workshop .